E.EMAD - EMAD Consulting

توسعه حقوقی، اقتصادی، فرهنگی، اجتماعی، و اداری اجرائی پایدار

EFSG - Direction Asie
R.I. d'Iran

جمهوری اسلامی ایران و توسعه اقتصادی آن

اشخاص حقوقی و حقیقی مشارکت کننده
Personnes Morales et Physiques Participantes


 ICCIMA en banniere

Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture’s Missions

Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture as a civil organization along with Iran’s Sustainable development enjoying capable and committed human resources try to meet the following goals as emphasizing on providing its members to achieve the national interests:
• Contributing to develop the country’s economic system
• Contributing to promote the private sector position
• Contributing to create appropriate environment of entrepreneurship and remove business obstacles
• Contributing to promote Iranian world position
• Contributing to increase the economic thought of the society
• Offering consultative opinions and cooperate in the economic decision making process of the country’s bodies
• Organizing the information reference and offering consultation in different sections of national and international economy
• Conducting and organizing to establish the country’s economic activitists

Source : ICCIMA Site

 ICCIMA IDA en banniere

Scientific, Professional Lagal, Economic Articles, Opinions, Solutions of the ICCIMA's membres about the Economic and Sustainable Development (Persian version)

Page Internationale

 Développement Durable - Sustainable Develpment

 Développement Durable

EMAD Consulting et ACEIDD, Pratiques de l'International en Asie

ACEIDD : Association de Coopérations Economiques Internationales pour le Développement

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